For some reason that love of reading diminished the older I got. I just fell away from it. Maybe it was because it wasn't pushed in middle school and high school. Maybe it was the schedule I had. Whatever it was I just didn't enjoy it. I kind of envied the kids that seemed to love it, because I just didn't.
After I graduated from college I was subbing in a reading class that was reading The Hunger Games. I read that book all day in the different classes, and even though they were right in the middle of it, I really enjoyed the piece of the book we read. By the end of the day I wanted to read the whole book, so I downloaded it on the Kindle app on my iPhone. I flew through that first book, and then the rest of the series. I have enjoyed reading ever since!
It is a little more difficult for me to read during the school year, but I try to have a book to read at all times! I've found it's nice to have something to pick up and read, just because! I don't typically have a specific type of book that I gravitate towards. It just has to hold my attention!
This is a list of books that I have read over the last couple of months, and I really enjoyed them all, except one. I hope that you find something in this list that you would enjoy reading just for fun!

A zookeeper's wife hides Jews from the Nazi's in their zoo in Poland. It is a great story, and one that deserves to be told. Coincidentally, this is the one book that I just couldn't get into. I managed to get about halfway through before I drove to Dallas and just saw the movie.
The say "don't judge a book by it's cover," but how fun is this cover??? I was sold when I saw it. I thought it was SO fun! I had so many people ask me what this book was based on the cover. It is about exactly what you might think...crazy rich Asians! When I started it, I didn't realize it was one of three. So my next book was...
My third book followed suit, and was...

For some reason, I just really liked these books. There are SO many characters (thank goodness for the cheat sheet at the front), and all the twists and turns really kept my attention! Crazy Rich Asians will be made in to a movie, and I'm excited to see it when it does come out!

A newlywed's husband disappears on their first anniversary and is presumed dead. Then he shows up years later when she is engaged to another man! What will happen??? I could not put this down. I felt like I just had to know what happened next!

The Woman in Cabin 10 was suspenseful, but not scary. It was quick to read because I just had to know what in the heck was going on. There were a few times when I was just shocked. Courtney had read it before I did, and I asked her several times what in the world was going on! Seriously this is one good read!

Behind Closed Doors is another suspenseful book! It isn't scary, but it is suspenseful. The beginning takes a little bit to get going, but once it does...hold on! I was up until 1am finishing this one night because I couldn't go to bed until I was finished. It's about a couple whose relationship seems picture perfect from the outside, but is hiding a dark secret!
I'm currently reading...

I've really enjoyed it so far!
I'm still trying to figure out what I'll follow this up with. It'll either be...

I've never read any of John Grisham's books, but Matthew suggested this to me!

This sounds like it would be a fun read for all teachers, and parents!
For all you readers, are you an e-reader fan, or do you prefer a book in your hands? I use to be strictly an e-reader/kindle app reader, and I have transitioned to a book in hand kind of girl! I love wondering around Barnes and Noble looking at books and deciding what I want to read. I love holding a book in my hand. I love being able to keep my books on a bookshelf that I can see. I love cracking the spine of a brand new book. I just love everything about it!
What do I suggest today???
1. Find yourself a book that interests you, and take time to read it just for fun! I think you'd surprise yourself as to how much you'd enjoy it.
2. If you're absolutely not a reader, check out two of my favorite romantic comedies..."Sleepless in Seattle" or "You've Got Mail." Yes, I understand they both happen to have Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan in them...that's not why I love them!!! I was just watching "You've Got Mail" yesterday, and wondered if my students would have any clue what that dial up sound is that we all know so well! My how times have changed!