Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Date Night in Southlake

This is my last week of summer vacation, and I am trying to soak it all in. I have not, and will not, set an alarm this week. I decided to wake up when I wake up. So around 8:45, I graced the world with my presence. Immediately made coffee (because it awakens my soul every morning) and relaxed while watching a little of the Today show! 

LJ (my SIL) showed up with my niece and nephew (Campbell and Elliott) to have lunch and pick up their dogs. We went to lunch with them, and had a nice visit before they headed home for nap time.

After doing a little work for school, and running around with my mom, I got dressed and headed to meet Matthew for a dinner date in Southlake. 
We decided to split their filet mignon and didn't regret a second of it. I have said that Del Frisco's has the BEST filet out of any place I've ever had one!
Seriously, it makes my mouth water just thinking about it! I typically would also order their lemon cake, it is up there in deliciousness along with the filet, but I was trying to control myself!

What is my suggestion(s) for today???  

1. If you're a teacher nearing the end of the summer soak it up. We all know that the beginning of the school year can be a little nutty, and we need all the relaxation that we can!

2. Get to Del Frisco's or Del Frisco's Grille and get yourself a filet. You will NOT regret it. I always get mine medium-rare, and it's perfection! Bonus!! they reheat really well, and make a good lunch the next day! If you're not ready to go all in with a filet or are trying to be "healthy," get their steak salad! I get it without the bleu cheese crumbles because...EWWW! It's a big salad, and we love to split it! It comes with sliced filet on top, and it the best steak salad anywhere around! 

That's all for today, have a great day!

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