Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The Protection of the Lord!

Hey there! It's been a bit since I've posted a blog and this is why...

On December 28th I was in a car accident. I was on Hwy 183 in Bedford when a pickup truck came into my lane, clipped my car, and sent me spinning out of control across three lanes of traffic. I didn't touch another car. The front of my car ended up slamming against the wall on the opposite side of the highway. The driver's side airbag deployed. I ended up facing the opposite way of traffic pinned against the retaining wall. I had to climb across my car and exit from the passenger side of the car. The truck that hit me didn't stop, but I'm so grateful to the people who did. They helped pry the door open so I could get out. Called 911 for me. Searched my car for my phone, and other contents of my purse that were thrown all over my car.

When I got out of my car and looked at it on the side of the highway, there was no question it was totaled. After speaking to the police and getting the car towed away, I ended up in the ER to get checked out because my shoulder was bothering me a bit. After an x-ray, it was determined that I had a broken collarbone, but otherwise I walked away unscathed.

The hospital gave me a sling, which I promptly replaced with an upgraded one from Amazon, and suggested I go see an orthopedic surgeon to get a better diagnosis. I will be "slinging" it for another month until the Orthopedic surgeon is satisfied with my healing progress.

I remember realizing what was happening, as it was happening. As my car was spinning across the highway I was praying and praising God that Psalm 91 is true. That He commands His angels concerning me to guard me in all of my ways and they lift me up in their hands! I knew I had nothing to be afraid of, for the Word says I am protected!

One of the police officers at the scene said the fact that I didn't hit a car as I was spinning across the freeway was a miracle. To which I responded, "that is correct!"

The ER doctor who treated me mentioned to me that I was in such high spirits for a person who had just been involved in a serious accident. Which got me thinking about a couple of things...

  1. The peace of God transcends all understanding. Throughout the entire evening, I was completely at ease. 
  2. Peace and joy are fruits of the Spirit.
  3. God works for the good of those who love him, therefore He was working in this situation.
Given these things, why wouldn't I be in high spirits??

I have experienced pain, though as my healing is working it gets better by the day. My biggest challenge has been letting people help me do stuff, and realizing in order to let my body heal I have to cooperate with it. My family, friends, and boyfriend have gone above and beyond to be of assistance to me. 

I have had people ask if I was angry at the person who hit me and didn't stop. My response has been no. That person either needs to repent for what they did, or get saved. It does me no good to hold angst towards that person. I forgave them the moment it happened.

I have been asked if I am scared behind the wheel. I was the first time or two, but I was reminded that according to 2 Timothy 1:7 I do not have a spirit of fear. When I feel as though I am becoming frightened, I begin quoting the Word and it falls away.

What do I suggest today?
  1. Read (and memorize) Psalm 91 in it's entirety. I'd give you a specific verse, but truly the whole thing is powerful. On the night of my accident, this is the scripture I prayed as my car was out of control.
  2. Read (and memorize) 2 Timothy 1:7. Women tend to worry/fear, so this is a perfect one for women. 
  3. Read John 10:10. The spirit of fear that tried to enter my thoughts in the days following the accident were nothing but the devil.
  4. Read Psalm 27:1. The Lord is on your side, so you have nothing to fear.
  5. If you don't know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, read Romans 10:9-10. Feel free to email me or send me a message! I'd love to talk to you!